Saturday, July 31, 2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Goddess...Nuff Said: Christina Hendricks

The Definition of What Women Should Look Like...Just Sayin'


Ever feel like you see yourself growing as a person from the outside in and vice versa. Lately, I've been feeling exactly like this. I know I'm getting older every single day, but to me age is but a number in this giant scheme of things called life. Everyday, sometimes in small ways and sometimes in large ways, I see myself changing. Not drastic bipolar personality switches, but simply "stepping out of my comfort zone/shell" and doing things that the old me would never even think about doing.

Hesistation is a word that is quickly leaving my vocabulary because there is so much to do in my life and I can't afford not to go out and try to do it.

Let the changes continue and only stop when I want them to...

Friday, July 9, 2010

The Future of Vibes

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This is just another expression of who I am. I'm the news reporter, opinion sayer, etc. Basically anything I find relevant.
