Tuesday, April 28, 2009

This Scares Me!

Obama Air Force One Flying Low In New York followed closely by an F-16

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Big Decision

Has been made, actually it was already made 2 weeks ago but who cares


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Poetry Lounge #6: "Technology: The Distance Amongst And Between That Is Never Seen"

What Seems to be Holdin’ onto Me
Not Just Me But We
As A Whole

Are we really whole or just a bunch of holes waiting to be filled with goals that are tainted in gold
For fools that try to keep it smooth but struggle to groove with two left feet that always seem to meet in the wrong direction of this futuristic intersection

We know where you sleep, drink and decided to eat
Because Facebook and Twitter have turned us into bitter freaks that like to peek
Into the windows of the soul, slow your roll
Call me a hypocrite, but I do know that we all get sick of it
When noses get too far into it
Comfort Contact Safety
What’s been going on with ya lately
Oh nothin new just some lol
The New version of communications hell
Say what you have to say
Be eloquent, constantly relevant

Technology’s simplicity has become mankind’s worst enemy
With no plan of action
We stay relaxin in this hypnotic attraction that “brings us closer” into this Matrix promoting the fake shit
But pushes us farther away every time cell phones roam
Or chat rooms moan when nobody’s home

Hello Hello What Up What Up Does Anyone out there Give A Fuck
I can’t deny it, I’m a straight blogger you don’t want to comment with me
Cuz my B.I.G. thoughts come in the Two Pack
One for me and one for my space in the back
Cuz my place is for my space and not your face
So keep your eyes on the prize
As we televise this technological revolution for the drones in the hive


Jay Wat

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Today was the Affair of Honor, a ceremony celebrating the accomplishments of Young African-American High School Seniors from around LA.

My Achiever Brothers and I stole the show haha; great times and many memories

Family & Friends Made it Out in Great Numbers

Thanks to:

Bianca & Her Mom
The Busias
And Everyone else out there who showed support

Pictures coming soon!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

New Ish!! Explains Why I Love College, Gettin Brain in the Library Cuz I Love Knowledge...Damn!!

Really lookin forward to Kid Cudi's debut album droppin over the summer

Poke Her Face, Kanye is a fuckin beast when it comes to sampling the craziest hooks for songs

Common holds his own

Lady Gaga is dope too, get on hooked if you don't know!!

Good Friday

So far its been a great day

Lots of fun just chilling out with friends and family

Saturday is also going to be a great day filled with new experiences and people to share good times with

Sunday: I leave for the Midwest and East Coast to visit relatives and Check out Villanova!!!!

Definitely lookin forward to some overdue travelin'

Musically, I'm losing myself to the sounds of the one and Only Jimi Hendrix (dude is fuckin' raw, better than the bullshit you hear on the radio)

Shades of Green coming soon once I get focused on writin lyrics again!!


Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Was the Shit!! Good times with Great & Amazing People

Monday, April 6, 2009

Puck You Sir, If that's not entertainment Then Puck You

Someone told me about this and I think it's hilarious!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


There can only be one like Highlander!

Is it Villanova, USC, Santa Clara, Saint Louis... etc. Who Knows???

The Future of Vibes

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This is just another expression of who I am. I'm the news reporter, opinion sayer, etc. Basically anything I find relevant.
