Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Poetry Lounge #5: A Lesson In Abstractivity


Eyes Shut, Mouth Agape
Snoring the night away
While the messengers of real and unreal travel the mind looking for words to grind
We speak of change only when it appears to be in our vocal range
LAME it seems
That those with dreams are shot down
Malcolm, Martin, JFK sleeping the night away
Will they live on to fight another day, who knows?
Intolerance ain't got shit on me, but is freedom really free
Obama and McCain- The Sauna filled with Crack Cocaine
Asses & Elephants never seemed to be the right type of delegates
Cuz it only takes one ass to leave people stranded in the shit
News media, look at what the news is feedin to ya
Genocide war genocide bailout, wait who the hell let the whale out?
Wanted to build a castle with the billions of debt piling, but the World forget to bring the pale out
So as the tides turn leaving the Age of Kush entering the sauna of Obama, who knows the solution to the World's Confusion?

You me he she we they, IT?

Copyrighted JayWat

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