Monday, July 6, 2009


Sometimes I feel as though I was born in the wrong decade.
No anger or animosity towards the Golden Age Known as November 1990
But some sort of curiosity for that which came before
Back when Pimps & Whores Were Prime Exploits for Film Culture
And when Vietnam was serving up more good mournings than America
But this Broadcast is way before Comcast
Back when standing up for something actually meant something
And watching 3 or 4 Bruce Lee Kung Fu Movies In the Same Day at the Same Theater With A Side of Popcorn and Drink For the Low Low Price of Being Less Than 10 Bucks Was Cool... But times have changed

When swagger no longer means being dapper, but instead the all time worst rapper actor people have ever heard or seen
So turn my swag off because it kills dreams
And adds nothing positive to my world changing prerogative

Is that why I have such a Timeless Obsession with the past
Nothing Today Seems to Be Perpetual or Last
Because Originality Has Fallen Victim to the Many a Common Fallacy
Practically Desecrating Greatness with Obscene Craziness

But just sit back and imagine a different time separate from what the present is or what the future may hold.

Change Today is Permanently Under Construction, Get Back to Work!

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